- 門迪
- Whittle H,Jaffar S,Wansbrough M,Mendy M,Dumpis U,Collinson A,Hall A.Observational study of vaccine efficacy 14 years after trial of hepatitis B vaccination in Gambian children.
龔曉紅王富珍李輝劉立榮李陽樺王寶蘭李立琴張震韓慶英唐耀武.;北京市兒童乙型肝炎疫苗接種12年后免疫效果觀察[J] - Swede Alex Kacaniklic opened the scoring and Jordy Brouwer, Jay Spearing and Emmanuel Mendy added further goals as McMahon's team reached the last four of a competition they won last season.
瑞典人卡坎尼克里奇首開紀錄,隨后布魯爾、斯皮靈以及門迪錦上添花,正如上賽季麥克馬洪的球隊晉級最后的四強。 - Minister of Finance And Economic Affairs: Dominique Mendy
財政和經(jīng)濟事務部長:多米尼克·門迪 - Product Description: Mendi Stacey 38 in 1 Card Reader with SIM Card
產(chǎn)品名稱:Mendi Stacey 38合1連SIM卡讀卡器 - Mendi
n. 門迪(在巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞;東經(jīng) 143º35' 南緯 6º10')