- seek to abolish 試圖取消
- decide to abolish 決定取消
- vote to abolish 投票取消
- abolish a ban 取消禁令
- abolish a constitutional law 廢除一項符合憲法的法規(guī)
- abolish a department 撤銷一個機構
- abolish a post 撤銷一個職位
- abolish a system 廢除一種制度
- abolish abuses of power 鏟除濫用權力的現象
- abolish child labour 禁雇童工
- abolish control 取消控制
- abolish folly 消除愚昧
- abolish fox hunting 禁獵狐貍
- abolish old rules 取消舊規(guī)則
- abolish outmoded regulations and irrational practices 革除陳規(guī)陋習
- abolish poverty 消除貧困
- abolish prostitution 取締賣淫
- abolish racial discrimination 廢除種族歧視
- abolish slavery 廢除奴隸制度
- abolish slave trade 取締奴隸貿易
- abolish superstitious practices 取締迷信活動
- abolish tariff barriers 取消關稅壁壘
- abolish the death penalty 廢除死刑
- abolish the pensions 取消養(yǎng)老金
- abolish the system of exploitation of man by man 消滅人剝削人的制度
- altogether abolish 徹底廢除
- abolish completely 完全廢除
- abolish effectually 有效地廢除
- abolish entirely 全部廢除
- abolish largely 大體上取消
- abolish forcibly 強制取締
- abolish gradually 逐步取消
- abolish immediately 立即取消
- abolish permanently 永久廢除
- abolish totally 全部取消
- abolish tyrannically 專橫地廢除
- abolish ultimately 最終廢除
- abolish virtually 差不多廢除;實際上取消