- appear a fool 顯得像個白癡
- appear different 看起來不同
- appear healthy 看起來健康
- appear sad 顯得悲哀
- appear anonymously 匿名發(fā)表
- appear conspicuously 引人注目地露面
- appear distinctly 清晰地出現
- appear fortnightly 雙周出版
- appear impressively 外觀印象很深
- appear mysteriously 神秘地出現
- appear originally 最初發(fā)表
- appear serially 連載
- appear against sb in court 出庭和某人抗辯
- appear as 作為…出現,表現為
- appear as Hamlet 扮演哈姆萊特
- appear as mediator in the conflict 出面調解爭端
- appear as witness 以證人身份出庭
- appear at 出現,登臺演出,出(庭)
- appear at the door 出現在門口
- appear before a committee 面對委員會
- appear before the court 出庭
- appear before the footlights 登臺表演
- appear before the public 出現在公眾前面
- appear for 為…出庭
- appear for the defendant 為被告出庭
- appear in 出現在…,表現在…,用…表示
- appear in court 出庭
- appear in metal (效應)表現在金屬上
- appear in person 親自到場
- appear in print 印刷出版
- appear in the examination 來應試,出現在考場上
- appear in the list 登在名單上
- appear in the newspaper 登載在報紙上
- appear on 在…出現,在…上表演
- appear on the scene 出現在現場
- appear on the stage 登臺演出
- appear round the corner of the street 出現在街角
- appear to 看來像是,看來似乎,出現在…面前
- appear under 以(某名字)演出