be poles apart
- 截然不同,大相徑庭
- Potowa once said meaningfully: "Even in this life, a spiritual practitioner and ordinary being must be poles apart."
博朵瓦曾意味深長(zhǎng)地說(shuō):“修行人在今生中也應(yīng)與其他人截然不同。 - You remembered fondly endlessly with pain-suffering , the so near and yet poles apart learned friend, should be what delighted with proud of!
懷念吧!你有無(wú)盡的思念和痛楚,咫尺天涯的學(xué)友,該是多么的欣慰和自豪??! - What causes this generation to be poles apart from its predecessors is not just its demographic force but that it is the first to mature surrounded by digital media.