elk mountains
- A mountain, 4,350.8 m (4,2'5 ft) high, in the Elk Mountains of west-central Colorado. It is the highest elevation in the range.
位于科羅拉多中部偏西艾克山脈中的一座山,高4,350.8米(4,2'5英尺),是這條山脈的最高峰。 - The train begins gently to carve its way into the craggy mountains, revealing clusters of bighorn sheep, elk and increasingly impressive peaks.
火車緩慢地駛進了崎嶇的山脈中,車窗外有成群的巨角羊,麋鹿和壯觀的群峰。 - Quaking aspens like these in the Elk Mountains of western Colorado, whose leaves tremble in the slightest wind, are common across North America.