- adj. 呆頭呆腦的;愚笨的
- It is made of twisted legs with one leg wearing embroidered jeans and a tiger-headed shoe, while the other leg wears western slacks and a leather shoe.
它是由左右不對稱的褲筒制成,一條腿穿著有刺繡的牛仔褲和老虎頭的鞋子,另一條腿穿著西方的寬松長褲和皮鞋。 - Edward Wellman bade good-bye to his family in the old country headed for a better life in America. Papa handed him the family’s savings hidden in a leather satchel.
愛德華.韋爾曼準備前去美國而離開故土時向家人遙祝和道別.這時爸爸交給他一個皮革制的小背包 里面裝的是全家的積蓄.父親對他說:"現(xiàn)在氣氛有點讓人傷感" (然后)抱抱了愛德華 "你是我們全家人希望."