- It’s lovely in its way, with a mass of morning-glory vines softening things up, and, in lieu of actual trees, a mural of woodland scenes painted along the outside wall.
幼兒園有自己可愛之處,牽牛花藤使幼兒園變得柔和起來,有一排真樹,外墻上有彩繪的森林。 - You may look at a group of cows standing under the trees or catch a bee at his morningask early drink in a morning-glory bell, and you would laugh if any one should ask you plant.
你可以觀看佇立樹下的牛群或者捕捉清晨在牽牛花冠中吮吸甜汁的蜜蜂,這時如果有人問你能否區(qū)別動物和植物,你會覺得好笑。 - A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.
窗口的燦爛的早晨比書中的形而上學(xué)更令我滿意。 返回 morning-glory