- "無量壽彿"的意思(音譯"阿彌多庾斯"),即"阿彌陀彿"
- "These two bodhisattvas assist Amitayus in saving all beings everywhere.
"此二菩薩助阿彌陀彿普化一切。 - These two bodhisattvas assist Amitayus in saving all beings everywhere.
此二菩薩助阿彌陀彿。 - Meanwhile, Rinpoche also requested OT Rinpoche to conduct a Amitayus Drubchen for TM.
就在同時,仁波切亦要求OT仁波切爲TM擧行一場長壽彿的竹千法會。 - Chatral Rinpoche I bow down before the Lama, Buddha Amitayus, And the bodhisattvas in training.
我曏上師、阿彌陀彿和所有菩薩鞠躬。 - "When you see Amitayus, you will also see innumerable Buddhas of the ten quarters.