相關(guān)單詞同義詞heat, impassion, chaos, disorder, confusion, involvement, warmth, out of joint, get mixed up, 近義詞 confuse 使睏惑, excite 使興奮, disturb 擾亂, flurry 一陣疾風, upset 心煩的, addle 使腐壞, demoralize 使士氣低落, sweat 汗水, rattle 嘎嘎作響, embarrass 使窘迫, perturbation 擾動(微擾, ruffle 褶飾, disconcert 使睏惑, agitate 煽動, bother 煩擾, perturb 使煩惱, disquiet 擔心, flutter 擺動, flap 拍打, tizzy 慌亂, excitement 激動, state 情形, agitation 激動, confusion 惶惑臨近詞flute, flush, fluster n., flusteration相似詞flush sth out, flushable, flushed, flushed with success idiom, flustered, flute, fluted, flutist, 返回 fluster