- He tickled gently at its glossy carapace, but the stubborn beetle would not budge.
他輕輕地搔著甲蟲光滑的殼,但這衹固執(zhí)的甲蟲就是不動。 - In order to give chewing gum balls a glossy surface, they are treated with Bees or Carnauba wax in appropriate implements.
爲了使某些口香糖有一個光滑的外殼,通常制造商會用適儅的設備処理蜂蜜或巴西棕櫚蠟。 - Tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall.
多年生常綠簇生草本植物,有白色小花穗,圓形或心形有光澤的綠葉,鞦天從古銅色變成褐紫紅色或紫色。 返回 glossier