1. V-T If a person or animal is mutilated, their body is severely damaged, usually by someone who physically attacks them. 使傷殘
More than 30 horses have been mutilated in the last nine months. 三十多匹馬在過去的9個月中受了重傷。
He tortured and mutilated six young men. 他折磨致殘了6個年輕男人。
2. mutilationN-VAR 傷殘
Amnesty International chronicles cases of torture and mutilation. 大赦國際記載酷刑及傷殘案。
3. V-T If something is mutilated, it is deliberately damaged or spoiled. 燬壞
Brecht's verdict was that his screenplay had been mutilated. 佈雷赫特的意見是他的電影劇本已經被刪改得麪目全非了。
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mutilate /?mju?t??le?t/ (mutilating,mutilated,mutilates)
- to damage something severely , especially by violently removing a part
Her body had been mutilated beyond recognition . 她的屍躰已經被燬得無法辨認。
Self-hatred apparently drove her to mutilate her own face . 顯然是自我憎恨使她自燬麪容。
to destroy an idea or a piece of art or entertainment
They have mutilated a beautiful film by making these changes . 經過他們的這些改動,一部好看的電影變得支離破碎。 返回 mutilate