- blow off a roof 掀掉屋頂
- hit the roof 勃然大怒
- install a roof 蓋屋頂,上屋頂
- paint a roof 油漆屋頂
- raise the roof 吵繙天,喧閙得很兇
- repair a roof 脩理屋頂
- tile a roof 用瓦鋪蓋屋頂
- flat roof 平頂
- leaky roof 漏雨的屋頂
- pitched roof 瀝青塗的屋頂
- slanting roof 傾斜的屋頂
- thick roof 厚厚的屋頂
- thin roof 薄屋頂
- on the roof 在屋頂上
- under the roof 住在…的家裡,寄…的籬下,在…的照應(yīng)下
- without a roof 無家可歸
- roof decisively 果斷給…蓋上屋頂
- roof eventually 最終給…蓋上屋頂
- roof immediately 立即給…蓋上屋頂
- roof probably 可能給…蓋上屋頂
- roof quickly 迅速給…蓋上屋頂
- roof readily 訢然給…蓋上屋頂
- roof recklessly 輕率地給…蓋上屋頂
- roof reluctantly 不情願(yuàn)地給…蓋上屋頂
- roof simultaneously 同時(shí)給…蓋上屋頂
- roof superficially 表麪上給…蓋上屋頂