1. V-I If you skip along, you move almost as if you are dancing, with a series of little jumps from one foot to the other. 蹦跳; 蹦跳著走
They saw the man with a little girl skipping along behind him. 他們看到那個男人身後跟著一個蹦蹦跳跳的小女孩。
We went skipping down the street arm in arm. 我們挽著臂蹦蹦跳跳地沿大街走著。
2. N-COUNT Skip is also a noun. 蹦跳
The boxer gave a little skip as he came out of his corner. 那位拳擊手輕快地跳出了場角。
3. V-T When someone skips, they jump up and down over a rope which they or two other people are holding at each end and turning around and around. 跳 (繩)
They skip and play catch, waiting for the bell. 他們又是跳繩又是玩捉迷藏,等著鈴聲響。
4. skippingN-UNCOUNT 跳繩
We did rope skipping and things like that. 我們跳繩或做類似的活動。
5. V-T If you skip something that you usually do or something that most people do, you decide not to do it. 不做; 逃避
It is important not to skip meals. 重要的是,不能不喫飯。
6. V-T/V-I If you skip or skip over a part of something you are reading or a story you are telling, you miss it out or pass over it quickly and move on to something else. 匆匆繙閲; 略過
You might want to skip the exercises in this chapter. 你可能想把這一章的練習跳過去。
7. V-I If you skip from one subject or activity to another, you move quickly from one to the other, although there is no obvious connection between them. (無條理地) 快速轉換
She kept up a continuous chatter, skipping from one subject to the next. 她嘰嘰咕咕地說個不停,從一個話題跳到另一個話題。
8. N-COUNT A skip is a large, open, metal container which is used to hold and take away large unwanted items and rubbish. (盛大躰積廢棄物的) 廢料桶; 大鉄桶[英國英語]
9. N the captain of a curling or bowls team 冰壺隊隊長
10. N a cage used as a lift in mines, etc (鑛上用的)料車
返回 skip
skip /sk?p/ (skipping,skipped,skips)
skip verb (MOVE)
[ 不及物動詞:後麪不接賓語的動詞 經常 後麪必須接副詞或介詞的動詞 ]to move lightly and quickly , making a small jump after each step
She watched her little granddaughter skip down the path . 她看著自己的小孫女沿著小路蹦蹦跳跳地往前走。
The lambs were skipping about in the field . 小羊羔在田裡蹦來跳去。
skip verb (JUMP)
[ 不及物動詞:後麪不接賓語的動詞 ] (US jump rope); (skip rope)to jump lightly over a rope that is held in both your hands , or by two other people , and turned repeatedly under your legs and over your head as exercise or a game
Sports players often train by skipping. 運動員經常通過跳繩進行訓練。
skip verb (LEAVE)
[ 不及物動詞:後麪不接賓語的動詞 or 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ]to leave one thing or place , especially quickly , in order to go to another
This part of the book isn't very interesting , so I'm going to skip (over) it. 書的這部分不是很有趣,所以我要跳過去。
The teacher kept skipping from one subject to another so it was difficult to follow what he was saying. 老師不斷地從一個話題跳到另一個話題,所以很難跟上他的講話思路。
UK We're skipping over/across /off (= making a quick journey ) to France for the day . 爲了趕上這一天,我們正匆忙前往法國。
The police think that the bank robbers must have skipped (= left ) the country by now. 警方認爲銀行劫匪現在肯定已經逃離該國了。
UK She skipped off/out (= left quickly and/or secretly) without saying goodbye . 她沒有告別就悄然離開了。
skip verb (AVOID)
[ 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ] informalto not do or not have something that you usually do or that you should do; to avoid
I'm trying to lose weight , so I'm skipping (= not eating ) lunch today. 我正在努力減肥,因此今天不喫午飯了。
US Should parents have to pay if their child skips school ? 家長是否應該因爲他們的孩子逃學而作出賠償?
US I skipped class and went to the park instead . 我逃課去公園玩了。
skip verb (THROW)
[ 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ] US (UK skim)to throw a flat stone horizontally over water so that it touches and rises off the surface several times
We watched a child skipping stones across the lake . 我們看著一個孩子在湖上打水漂。