相關(guān)單詞近義詞 untutored 未受教導的, uneducated 沒受教育的, untrained 未受過訓練的..., natural 自然的, born 出生的, instinctive 本能的, innate 天生的, inherent 固有的, unschooled 未受學校教育的...臨近詞Uneki, UN, unparalyze b Unroots/Unparalyzes the target., unconventional hermite-type rectangular element, Unconventional Requisition for Factory Inspection, undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharyngeal type, unbonded pest-tensioned precast concrete joints, Undefinitized Contractual Action Management System, unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem, undeclared plutonium and uranium-enrichment plants, unfired carbon-free alumina-magnesia ladle brick, unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle 返回 untaught